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LotR re-read: Return of the King VI.9, “The Grey Havens”


LotR re-read: Return of the King VI.9, “The Grey Havens”

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LotR re-read: Return of the King VI.9, “The Grey Havens”


Published on January 13, 2011

The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien

In the Lord of the Rings re-read, we have reached the last chapter, “The Grey Havens,” though not the end of the book. The usual spoilers and comments follow.

What Happens

The Shire prisoners are released and the cleaning-up begins. Merry and Pippin hunt out the last of the ruffians; Frodo, as Deputy Mayor, reduces the number of Shirriffs. Lobelia gives Bag End to Frodo and leaves him her money in her will to help other hobbits. The buildings built by the ruffians are dismantled and the materials used to rebuild or repair hobbit holes. Sam plants saplings to replace the cut-down trees and finds that Galadriel’s gift was soil, which accelerates the saplings’ growth, and a nut, which is the seed for a mallorn tree. In the spring, Sam and Rose marry and move into Bag End, one wedding of many in a year of great plenty and peace in the Shire. Frodo retreats from public life and is ill on the anniversaries of Weathertop and being poisoned by Shelob. Sam and Rose’s first child, Elanor, is born on the second anniversary of the Ring’s destruction.

In September, Frodo asks Sam to see him on his way to visit Bilbo, who will be turning 131. Frodo gives Sam the book that he and Bilbo have written of their adventures, with some blank pages at the end for Sam. The day before Bilbo’s birthday, they ride out, and the next day meet Elrond and Galadriel (both openly wearing their Rings) and Bilbo. Frodo admits to Sam that the Ring-bearers are going to the Havens and over the Sea, and that Sam cannot accompany them, though his time may come. Frodo says he has been too deeply hurt to be able to enjoy the Shire, but Sam will be busy and happy with his family and his work for many years to come.

At the Havens, they find Gandalf and Shadowfax. Merry and Pippin ride up at the last minute, warned by Gandalf, to say farewell and accompany Sam back. The Ring-bearers and many Elves board the ship and sail to the West. The other three hobbits ride home in silence. When they arrive at the Shire, Sam comes home to dinner and his family waiting for him.

“He drew a deep breath. ‘Well, I’m back,’ he said.”


Like many geeky families, we use “Well, I’m back” as a catch-phrase. And I probably still will, because it’s too handy, not to mention commonplace, a phrase not to. But I almost feel bad about it now, of using something so deeply and complexly bittersweet to mean something so mundane as “returned from vacation.”

This is not, by the way, a reaction I’ve had before; indeed, I’ve never had any deep feelings one way or another about this chapter. But now, maybe because the nature of the re-read means I’m stopping here until I get this post written instead of going on to look for story-bits in the Appendices, I’m just marveling at it. It fits for me the way that Frodo not destroying the Ring should have but didn’t: painful, surprising but right, and true to the characters, the world, and the story. So much so that I’m having trouble coming up with something more to say about it—my brain seems to think it’s so self-evidently fabulous that it refuses to produce any expository prose that it doesn’t cringe away from as painfully obvious. All the same, I recognize my obligations, here, and will swallow my pride and sally forth.

Perhaps one way to approach this is to note that my reaction of “oh, ow, perfect” is much more on Sam’s behalf than Frodo’s. I recognize Frodo’s pain and the way it flows from the plot and themes. Indeed, way back at the start of this re-read, I flagged Frodo’s statement “some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them” as the book’s coming full-circle to that chapter’s “It will have to be paid for.” But Frodo’s got what I am apparently to believe is a happy ending, being allowed to dwell in the West “until all (his) wounds and weariness are healed” (per Arwen in VI.6). I find it hard to imagine what his life is going to be like or how his emotional/psychological healing will proceed or anything like that. But I also find it hard to imagine him being in a lot of pain from missing Sam and the Shire while in that blessed land. And even before then, this chapter is fairly remote as to his life and experiences. So while this ought to be bittersweet for Frodo, I can’t get any useful mental grasp on his life after this chapter besides “happy and peaceful”—and thus, rightly or wrongly, I can’t feel the ending as bittersweet for him.

Sam, on the other hand, has a very concrete life now and in the future. He has a family that he loves very much, particularly Rose; I’ve always seen their marriage as a legendary grand-passion type relationship, on the admittedly-thin evidence of the number of their children (while that could be only proximity, as I think Inspector Grant in The Daughter of Time put it, a glance at the family trees in Appendix C demonstrates that not all hobbit families were that large) and his leaving for the Havens after her death. He has satisfying and important work in a place that he “care(s) about . . . more than any other place in the world” (VI.8). But he has also just said farewell, possibly for the last time, to the person he loved enough to support through a journey of indeterminate length, great danger, and, at the end, apparently-certain death—but who he couldn’t protect well enough for him to be able to stay. And if that’s not bittersweet, I don’t know what is.

On a prose level, look at the way this passage is structured:

Then Frodo kissed Merry and Pippin, and last of all Sam, and went aboard; and the sails were drawn up, and the wind blew, and slowly the ship slipped away down the long grey firth; and the light of the glass of Galadriel that Frodo bore glimmered and was lost. And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed on into the West, until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise.

But to Sam the evening deepened to darkness as he stood at the Haven; and as he looked at the grey sea he saw only a shadow on the waters that was soon lost in the West. There still he stood far into the night, hearing only the sigh and murmur of the waves on the shores of Middle-earth, and the sound of them sank deep into his heart. Beside him stood Merry and Pippin, and they were silent.

Yes, it has that beautiful image, but it’s in the middle, bracketed by Frodo “slipp(ing) away” until his light “was lost,” and then the reversal of Sam seeing only darkness and hearing only the waves. Ow. In a good way.

* * *

I’m having a very hard time finding anything else substantial to say about this chapter, and I think there are two reasons for that. One, it’s an amazingly local chapter: except for the comment about travelers coming to see the mallorn tree later, there’s no mention of anything outside the Shire. Not even the very first chapter was that narrowly-focused. So there’s very little to gossip about; we’ll have to save that for the Appendices. Two, except for Frodo, it’s an uncomplicatedly happy chapter, and while I don’t begrudge the Shire its happiness, some additional shades to the recovery would have engaged me more. I don’t believe in the least that Frodo is the only one scarred by the War of the Ring (Pippin nearly died! Merry got up close and personal with the Witch King! Hobbits were killed!), but I certainly couldn’t prove it by this chapter, which actually says, “All things now went well, with hope always of becoming still better.”

But then, it’s also a very short chapter, and it has such a perfect ending, that perhaps I shouldn’t ask much more of it. It simply seemed worth nothing that the ending was the only thing that felt vivid to me about it.

So here are some things I noted that don’t warrant extended comment.

Fredegar Bolger demonstrates that the initiative he showed, way way back in the day, by escaping from Crickhollow when the Black Riders arrived, wasn’t a fluke: he was leading a band of rebels against the ruffians. A captured band, granted, but still.

Also released from the cells is Lobelia, who then vanishes in a haze of sadder-and-nicer.

I’d wondered last chapter about the population of the Shire; here we’re told that it encompasses “thousands of willing hands of all ages.”

The conversation about what Sam should do with the soil from Galadriel is a lovely bit of characterization in miniature: Pippin, literally, breezy; Merry practical and conservative; and Frodo wise but not entirely vague.

I do appreciate the line about the summer of 1420 and how the children “sat on the lawns under the plum-trees and ate, until they had made piles of stones like small pyramids or the heaped skulls of a conqueror, and then they moved on.” I don’t know how that imagery avoids being discordant, but I like it.

Rosie Cotton is rather forthright in her speech, as demonstrated in the last chapter. But she apparently bowed to hobbit social convention earlier in the story, according to Sam: “It seems she didn’t like my going abroad at all, poor lass; but as I hadn’t spoken, she couldn’t say so.”

I find it really weird that Frodo’s pony is called Strider.

In the post about “Many Partings,” I asserted that there was the last variant of “The Road goes ever on.” Of course, I was wrong: just before Frodo and Sam meet Bilbo, Sam hears Frodo “singing the old walking-song, but the words were not quite the same” (which, in my defense, is why I missed it).

Frodo is apparently given foresight here, naming Sam and Rosie’s future children and Sam’s election as Mayor (the children’s names could be self-fulfilling, but the election—well, it could almost be, as a practical matter, but I don’t think we’re supposed to read it that way).

Shadowfax is with Gandalf on the quay; there’s no description of them getting on the ship, but I think the only reasonable inference is that he goes with.

* * *

As I said, I always go on to read the Appendices, which is what we’ll do next post (I think just one). Then a movie post—I’ll be talking about the movies and the books at Arisia this coming Sunday at 12:30, so I’ve already re-watched it, but we’ll do things in order. And then a final thoughts post to conclude the re-read.

And if you’re at Arisia and see me (I look like this), do feel free to say hi.

« Return of the King VI.8 | Index

Kate Nepveu was born in South Korea and grew up in New England. She now lives in upstate New York where she is practicing law, raising a family, and (in her copious free time) writing at Dreamwidth and her booklog.

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Kate Nepveu


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14 years ago

Those last words always makes me cry, everytime.

14 years ago

By an amazing coincidence, every single one of the over 20 times I have read this chapter, it has been in a very dusty room and the dust has gotten into my eyes and throat just as I finish. Every time. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

In all seriousness, that last sentence may be one of the finest crafted sentences in literature. There is such an incredible rightness about it.

One thing I noted this time is that there is a continuation of the slow peeling away of the members of the Fellowship. Frodo is, in many ways, already gone as this chapter begins. We are told of his actions for the rebuilding of the Shire, but see none of it. After he sails off, the three reminaing hobbits return to the Shire, but Pippin and Merry leave to go to Buckland and only Sam is left. Also note that in the last paragraph that you quote, the sound of the waves sinks deep into Sam’s heart. It’s not unlike Legolas hearing the sound of the sea.

14 years ago

ubxs113: Those last words always makes me cry, everytime.

Same here. Very great re-read. I’ve never commented until now, but Kate, this has been an awesome experience.

14 years ago

I love this chapter, incidentally also one of the few chapters i feel really had justice in the movies. Although, as I read your post, I find I wonder what they would have been like if we saw the last minutes from Sam’s POV, seeing Frodo from the outside, more and more fading away from doings. I suppose we would have needed the scouring for that to work..

Frodo being sick, I always read that to be on the aniversary of Weathertop and the anniversary of the ring being destroyed. Old Cotton finds him in bed, moaning “It is gone” or something.

About Strider the Pony, it always jarred me a bit too, but as I read your post, I had this image of Pippin or Merry telling Aragorn about the pony – silly grin plastered on their faces. Also, it helps that I haven’t thought of Aragorn as Strider since Helm’s deep.

EDIT: Btw, I’m currently having a great time reading the book in nynorsk, a fairly new translation to a Norwegian dialect that is partly rooted in Old Norse. This is great fun, because it also shares words and some tone with Old English, which almost makes me feel I’m reading it in the tounge of Rohan.

Dr. Thanatos
14 years ago

I’m always impressed that the very first “bad guy” we met in this story, Lobelia, surprises us with her bravery and generosity. Did we just not see this at first, because of Bilbo and Frodo’s prejudices [and now that Frodo is among the Wise, he can rise above his petty history and see her for what she is] or did she rise to the occasion, as so many hobbits seem to do?

In a standard fairy story, the S-B’s [and those who don’t think JRRT uses plays on words should note that name!] would meet their commuppance at the end. Lotho does, but we never met him before and we had no reason to dislike him; we had every reason to believe that “happily ever after” would mean that Lobelia would be driven out or otherwise dealth with during the Scouring. Nice touch, and one last opportunity to showing the humanity [hobbitry] in even our most dislikable characters? After all, if Smeagol with the aid of the Banana Peel of Doom can save the world, and Lobelia can hit ruffians with her umbrella and leave her fortune to charity, can we really say that any of us have no redeeming value?

14 years ago

First of all, I’d like to thank Kate for guiding us through the text of the trilogy. The Appendices are to come (yay!) but we have come to the end of Frodo’s story.
I found this chapter sad in spite of all the healing and goodness going on because Frodo could not enjoy it. I hope he and Bilbo had a great time amid the Elves and Valar.

14 years ago

@Dr. Thanatos Regarding Lobelia, I always thought that seeing the results of her actions, spending some time in hobbit jail, and most painfully, losing her son, allowed her to do some deep thinking. I thought it was a very realistic response to the death of a child (however horrible the child may have seemed to outsiders).

What rather irreverently strikes me now from this chapter is wow, how typical that the travellers get terrible weather and rain on their way to fairyland. Can nothing go right in this trip?

(Which I don’t think was Tolkien’s intent at all. I should also note that I love rain….I’m just amused that it happened to be falling on them as they headed west.)

I also always liked the idea of the uttermost west being “far green.” I’m not sure what either Tolkien or I mean by that, but it has a lovely sound to it, a special type of greenness beyond those shores.

Dr. Thanatos
14 years ago


I read this as “a far green country,” rather than “a far green country;” I think this refers to a wide expanse, although one might expect Valinor to have some visually striking qualities [above and beyond Nienna hitting the beach…]

14 years ago

There and Back Again … thus, of course, “Well, I’m back,” is the perfect last line.

Strider as name for Frodo’s pony has always seemed just right to me.

A perfect chapter, described in terms that seem like the portrayal of the idealized English village and country life of a fête in a BBC series such as The Chronicles of Barchester, or a Midsomers Murders episode.

All together satisfying, though one does weep, which is part of the satisfaction for those of us who are the audience of tales of the heroic.

Heroes at home don’t generally do well, it seems. They do give up too much of everything to do so. And there’s so much pain of what and / or who has been lost.

Love, c.